1 adorable nephew
2 amazing hosts
1 awestruck easily impressed american

so i flew out here one week before evan to spend some time with my sister emily, lys, and my nephew kylan, and i must say that i'm having a blast. i was a big jetlagged my first day but it was pretty easy to lose an entire day and switch over. jumped right into my auntie eeeah (the b and the r are silent) duties and babysat kylan on my first full day here. i learned quickly that i have NO idea what he's saying or asking for but if he REALLY wants it he'll go get it, so i've just been relying on that. i've also been educated in children tv, such as the wiggles, elmo, and a bunch of other really obnoxious shows, but it works magic on kylan so can't complain! Lys and i went explored the botanical gardens (the first 3 pictures) and it was BEAUTIFUL! kylan had a minor meltdown but we enjoyed seeing the sights. em took me to a street fair (last 2 pictures) that was pretty similar to something you'd see in the states but a lot of fun. especially chips on a stick, which were basically delicious round french fries on a stick. so gooooooood. there was also a petting zoo which included a baby deer, baby cows, goats, rabbits, birds, etc. way more epic than any petting zoo i've been to in the states. other than that i've been to the nearby beach, and visited some of lys's family at their beautiful home. its been great and tons of delicious food like russian orphans (pavolva) and lots of pumpkin (YUM!). i got to drive (other side of the road and other side of the car) which was a lot of fun but definitely a mental workout (stay left stay left!) i've also picked up a few aussie words: prim = stroller; jumper = jacket; lemonade = sprite; solo = lemonade. well i think that's all for now. picking evan up at the airport early tomorrow morning and we're off to our first homestay on the 23rd, which will hopefully mean much more exciting posts to come! :)
peace, love, and the wiggles,